Frequently Asked Questions
Hardware aspects

1. Hardware aspects
SDK Related Questions

1. Common problems such as SDK version and runtime environment
2. Issues related to SDK usage
3. Point cloud related issues
VOMMA Renderer Software

1. The camera is not connected to the camera
2. Problems with the use of software functions
3. Data/application issues

1. Problem in use

VOMMA Product FAQs

The camera capture card and camera are connected, but the camera cannot be searched?
2024-01-23 16:40:24
• If the power indicator is normal, the VA2/VE3/VE4/VA6/VE5 indicator is green, and the VA2/VE3/VE4/VA6/VE5 indicator is red. If the fault persists, the power supply fails to restart.
• Check whether there are acquisition cards in the device Manager (VA2/VE3, VE4, VA6/VE5 acquisition card ICONS are shown in the following figure).
• Check whether the driver is installed (VA2/VE3, VE4, VA6/VE5 driver ICONS are shown in the following figure).
• The VA2/E3 cable is properly connected, and the indicator of the VA6/VE5 acquisition card is green.
• Except to view the software version in the above way, VOMMA rendering software has been resolved after version 5.7.0.
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