• If the acquisition card is not inserted properly, the hardware of the acquisition card needs to be re-installed.
• If the power indicator is normal, the VA2/VE3/VE4/VA6/VE5 indicator is green, and the VA2/VE3/VE4/VA6/VE5 indicator is red. If the fault persists, the power supply fails to restart.
• Check if there is a capture card in the device Manager and see if the driver is installed(For details, see 3.1.2 Answers to Questions);
• Check whether the VA2/VE3 cable is properly connected. (Check the connection details.)《Light field camera instructions》P12-P13,VA6/VE5 Check whether all the indicators on the acquisition card are green. If the communication cable corresponding to the abnormal indicator is disconnected, power off and reinsert it.
• Except to view the software version in the above way, VOMMA rendering software has been resolved after version 5.7.0.